Providing Hope

The loss of a child is something that no parent should ever experience, but it is something that is more common than anyone can imagine. After losing our youngest son to an accidental drowning in 2020, we have become part of this number. With approximately 10,000 children dying per year in the United States, it is likely at some point you will know someone who walks through this travesty.
This is why we exist. We are proof that lief after loss truly is possible.
The Beau Bear Organization aims to provide hope when life feels hopeless. And we do that with YOUR help. Since launching in late December 2021, we have raised over $30,000.
Over the last month, we have:
- covered the funeral costs of a sweet little boy
- sent a grieving mother and father on a weekend getaway to Big Cedar Lodge
- provided funds for medical costs and expenses
- purchased new parts and provided a working vehicle for a family
- talked one-on-one with parents and continue to walk beside them as they navigate unknowns and foreign emotions
From a wonderful woman whom I have had the pleasure of working with, “I’m in tears, but happy ones, overwhelmed by what you and your foundation are doing…you guys are such a blessing!”
– Lisa
We are so grateful for your prayers and support and for your kind words of encouragement.
You can help change lives. You can be the spark of hope. BBF is only the vehicle, ya’ll are what makes it possible to make such an impact. The Beau Bear Organization relies on your support to continue to help heal.
“Our love must not be a thing of words and fine talk. It must be a thing of action and sincerity.”
1 John 3:18